GPS Car Tracker Using Arduino And SIM808 - ElectroPeak (2024)


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  • GPS Car Tracker Using Arduino And SIM808 - ElectroPeak (1)Written by Mehran Maleki

GPS Car Tracker Using Arduino And SIM808 - ElectroPeak (2)


Thousands of cars are being stolen every day around the globe. So it is really important to protect and secure your car. In this tutorial we will use the SIM808 module to build a GPS car tracker.

If you are not willing to use a GPS read this article to find out how to detect location by GSM modules: (Using GSM with Arduino as an alternative for GPS).

What You Will Learn

  • Get to know with the concept of GPS
  • Get to know with the sim808 module
  • Build a GPS car tracker

What is GPS and how does it work?

GPS stands for Global Positioning System, which designed and built in 1973 by the United States Department of Defense. Today, the use of GPS has become so common that almost all of us use this system daily.

The GPS system includes 24 satellites. For the car tracker project (or any other project) you need a GPS receiver to receive information sent from this satellite. All your GPS receiver has to do is identify four satellites and read information from them to calculate your position with a series of geometric relationships.

GPS Car Tracker Using Arduino And SIM808 - ElectroPeak (3)

GPS can provide your position with very high accuracy, but the satisfaction of this accuracy depends on your GPS receiver, typical GPS modules have an accuracy of between 2 and 5 meters.

The most important information we can get from the GPS system are: longitude, latitude, speed, height and time in Greenwich Mean Time.

Ublox is a leading company in the industry of manufacturing GPS modules, but to receive GPS information, we can also use the SIM808 module manufactured by SIMCOM.

What is SIM808 module?

We usually used a series of SIM modules for sending and receiving SMS, making calls, using GPRS, etc., but the SIM808 module has a special feature and that is GPS receiver. This feature makes this module very useful for making all kinds of trackers. In this tutorial, you will learn how to connect SIM808 module and Arduino and make a car tracker.

This module is provided in a package with GPS and GSM antennas as shown below.

GPS Car Tracker Using Arduino And SIM808 - ElectroPeak (4)

SIM808 Module Pinout

SIM808 module uses serial communication protocol to interface with Arduino. This module has 10 pins. 4 are the main pins and the rest are connected to those 4 pins.

4 Main Pins on the Left Side:

  • TX: Transmitting Data
  • RX: Receiving Data
  • VIN: Input voltage (this pin is connected to the jack plug, and if the adapter is connected, no power needs to be supplied here.)
  • GND: Ground

You can see the pinout of this module in the image below.

Required Material

GPS Car Tracker Using Arduino And SIM808 - ElectroPeak (6)

Hardware Components

Arduino UNO R3× 1
SIM808 Module× 1
12V 5A Power Adapter× 1
Male to Female jumper wire× 1
SIM Card× 1

Software Apps

Arduino IDE

Interfacing SIM808 Module with Arduino

Connect GPS and GSM antennas and adapter to the module as shown below.

Insert the SIM card in the card slot in the back of the module.

GPS Car Tracker Using Arduino And SIM808 - ElectroPeak (8)

The following circuit shows how you should connect Arduino to SIM808 module. Connect wires accordingly.

GPS Car Tracker Using Arduino And SIM808 - ElectroPeak (9)


After connecting the power supply, you must press the vertical button as shown below for at least one second.

GPS Car Tracker Using Arduino And SIM808 - ElectroPeak (10)

Biuld a Car Tracker with Arduino and SIM808 Module

After completing the previous steps, now we are ready to build a tracker. In this project, we have used AT commands to write the code for the car tracking system. We have also used theTinyGPS ++ libraryto analyze the GPS data received from the SIM808 module.

In this project, the car tracking system first waits to receive a message. After that, it matches the received text with the predefined password. Then, if the password is correct, the tracker system will be activated, and it will obtain the vehicle location data. Finally, the Google Maps link will be sent to you.

Upload the following code to Arduino.


/* Made on Jan 9, 2021 By MehranMaleki @ Electropeak 
*/#include <SoftwareSerial.h>#include <TinyGPS++.h>boolean GetGPS_flag = false;boolean Location_isValid_flag = false;boolean Password_flag = false;String value;String phone_number;String message_text;String password = "Hello";String Message;#define PIN_TX 10#define PIN_RX 11SoftwareSerial mySerial(PIN_TX, PIN_RX);// The TinyGPS++ objectTinyGPSPlus gps;String SIM808(String value) { String Out; mySerial.println(value); delay(10); while (mySerial.available()) { Out = (mySerial.readString()); } Out.trim(); Out.remove(0, value.length() + 3); return Out;}String SIM808(String value, int count) { String Out; mySerial.println(value); delay(10); while (mySerial.available()) { Out = (mySerial.readString()); } Out.trim(); Out.remove(0, value.length() + 3 + count); return Out;}void setup() { mySerial.begin(9600); Serial.begin(9600);}void loop() { //******************* RECEIVING SMS ******************* Serial.println("Start\n"); Serial.println("Power Down The GPS"); SIM808("AT+CGPSPWR=0"); Serial.println("Check AT Connection"); value = SIM808("AT"); Serial.println(value); Serial.println(""); Serial.println("Put The Module in SMS Text Mode"); SIM808("AT+CMGF=1"); delay(1000); Serial.println("Delete All Previous Messages"); SIM808("AT+CMGD=1,4"); delay(2000); value = SIM808("AT+CMGL=\"REC UNREAD\""); value = SIM808("AT+CMGL=\"REC UNREAD\""); value = SIM808("AT+CMGL=\"REC UNREAD\""); do { delay(2000); Serial.println("No new Messages Received"); Serial.println("Check for New Messages!"); value = SIM808("AT+CMGL=\"REC UNREAD\""); //Serial.println("end"); } while (value == "OK"); SIM808("AT+CMGL=\"REC UNREAD\""); Serial.println("Message Recieved"); value = SIM808("AT+CMGL=\"ALL\""); Serial.println(value); phone_number = value; phone_number.remove(0, 20); phone_number.remove(15, phone_number.length()); message_text = value; message_text.remove(0, 63); message_text.remove(message_text.length() - 6, message_text.length()); Serial.println("Phone Number:"); Serial.println(phone_number); Serial.println("Message Text:"); Serial.println(message_text); if (message_text == password) { GetGPS_flag = true; Password_flag = true; Serial.println("password is correct!"); } //******************* RECEIVING SMS END ******************* //******************* GET GPS ******************* if (GetGPS_flag) { do { Serial.println("Power Down The GPS"); SIM808("AT+CGPSPWR=0"); //Serial.println("end"); Serial.println("Check The GPS Power"); value = SIM808("AT+CGPSPWR?"); value.remove(11, 17); Serial.println(value); //Serial.println("end"); Serial.println("Power Up The GPS"); SIM808("AT+CGPSPWR=1"); //Serial.println("end"); Serial.println("Disable The GPS Output"); SIM808("AT+CGPSOUT=0"); //Serial.println("end\n"); Serial.println("Wait For The GPS To Find Location"); while (!SIM808("AT+CGPSSTATUS?" , 13).startsWith("Location 3D Fix")) { Serial.println("Location Not Fixed Yet, Please Wait!"); delay(2000); } Serial.println("Location Found!"); Serial.println("end\n"); //Get and Analyse The GPS Output Serial.println("Get and Analyse The GPS Output"); String Out = ""; mySerial.println("AT+CGPSOUT=2"); delay(10); while (mySerial.available()) { mySerial.readStringUntil('\n'); mySerial.readStringUntil('\n'); Out = (mySerial.readStringUntil('\n')); Out += "\r\n"; } mySerial.println("AT+CGPSOUT=0"); delay(100); mySerial.println("AT+CGPSOUT=32"); delay(10); while (mySerial.available()) { mySerial.readStringUntil('\n'); mySerial.readStringUntil('\n'); Out += (mySerial.readStringUntil('\n')); Out += "\r\n"; } mySerial.println("AT+CGPSOUT=0"); Out.trim(); Serial.println(Out); Serial.println(""); //GPS Output Analized int buffint = Out.length(); char buff[buffint]; Out.toCharArray(buff, buffint); const char *gpsStream = buff; while (*gpsStream) if (gps.encode(*gpsStream++)) displayInfo(); Serial.println(""); Serial.println(""); delay(100); if (gps.location.isValid()) { Location_isValid_flag = true; Message = String(, 6); Message += ","; Message += String(gps.location.lng(), 6); Message += " "; Serial.println(Message); } } while (!Location_isValid_flag); } //******************* GET GPS END ******************* //******************* SENDING SMS ******************* Serial.println("Start Sending The SMS\n"); Serial.println("Sending The SMS to"); Serial.println(phone_number); SIM808("AT+CMGS=" + phone_number ); delay(200); if (Password_flag == true) { mySerial.println("Open This Link:"); mySerial.print(""); SIM808(Message); } else { mySerial.println("Password Incorrect! "); } Serial.println("Message Sent!"); Serial.println("Delete All Previous Messages"); SIM808("AT+CMGD=1,4"); delay(2000); //******************* SENDING SMS END******************* //reinitializing flags GetGPS_flag = false; Location_isValid_flag = false; Password_flag = false;}void displayInfo(){ Serial.print(F("Location: ")); if (gps.location.isValid()) { Serial.print(, 6); Serial.print(F(",")); Serial.print(gps.location.lng(), 6); } else { Serial.print(F("INVALID")); } Serial.println();}char * floatToString(char * outstr, double val, byte precision, byte widthp) { char temp[16]; byte i; // compute the rounding factor and fractional multiplier double roundingFactor = 0.5; unsigned long mult = 1; for (i = 0; i < precision; i++) { roundingFactor /= 10.0; mult *= 10; } temp[0] = '\0'; outstr[0] = '\0'; if (val < 0.0) { strcpy(outstr, "-\0"); val = -val; } val += roundingFactor; strcat(outstr, itoa(int(val), temp, 10)); //prints the int part if ( precision > 0) { strcat(outstr, ".\0"); // print the decimal point unsigned long frac; unsigned long mult = 1; byte padding = precision - 1; while (precision--) mult *= 10; if (val >= 0) frac = (val - int(val)) * mult; else frac = (int(val) - val ) * mult; unsigned long frac1 = frac; while (frac1 /= 10) padding--; while (padding--) strcat(outstr, "0\0"); strcat(outstr, itoa(frac, temp, 10)); } // generate space padding if ((widthp != 0) && (widthp >= strlen(outstr))) { byte J = 0; J = widthp - strlen(outstr); for (i = 0; i < J; i++) { temp[i] = ' '; } temp[i++] = '\0'; strcat(temp, outstr); strcpy(outstr, temp); } return outstr;}

At the beginning of this code, the password is specified. By sending the correct password to the car tracking system, a text message will be sent to you including the car Google Maps link.

The Google Maps link is similar to this:,51.391628

Click on the link, then you can see the car location in the Google Maps website.

If the password is incorrect, a text message will be sent to you including: “The password is incorrect.”

What’s Next?

  • Upload the received information to the server.

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Comments (14)

  • GPS Car Tracker Using Arduino And SIM808 - ElectroPeak (11)

    Charles gerald Reply

    Thanks a lot you’ve been very helpful. But on my end after sending the correct password am not receiving the text message at all.

    June 26, 2021 at 9:22 am

    • GPS Car Tracker Using Arduino And SIM808 - ElectroPeak (12)

      Mehran Maleki Reply

      Hi, you’re quite welcome. Glad it’s been helpful for you.
      And about your problem, it can actually be related to a handful of thing. First of all, what happens when you send a wrong password? If it still doesn’t send you any text, the GPS of the module might have not run yet. Note that the GPS of these modules are designed for outdoor applications, so if you’re inside your house, the GPS can’t start running. Also, it may take a while for the module to connect to the global GPS network. So, to wrap it up, try the project outdoors. And after powering up the sytem, give it a few minutes to make sure it has successfully connected to the GPS network. And then, send the password to it.
      Hope you can get it up and running! Good luck.

      June 27, 2021 at 7:55 am

    • GPS Car Tracker Using Arduino And SIM808 - ElectroPeak (13)

      Stefano Mocci Demartis Reply

      Hi, I also had the same problem, I solved it by replacing this:
      if (Password_flag == true) {
      mySerial.println(“Open This Link:”);
      with this:
      if (Password_flag == true) {
      mySerial.println(“Open This Link:”);

      November 28, 2021 at 11:22 am

  • GPS Car Tracker Using Arduino And SIM808 - ElectroPeak (14)

    Amin Akbari Reply

    Hi Mehran, please give me your email, I have some question. thank you

    November 24, 2022 at 11:13 am

  • GPS Car Tracker Using Arduino And SIM808 - ElectroPeak (15)

    Mohamad Ali Azimi Reply

    hello and thank for your site .
    I used arduino pro mini and I do not know which pin connect to the sim 808 .
    gnd ——–gnd
    vcc ——– vcc

    gnd ——–gnd
    vcc ——– vcc

    please help me

    January 23, 2023 at 2:20 pm

    • GPS Car Tracker Using Arduino And SIM808 - ElectroPeak (16)

      Ali Abdolmaleki Reply

      Hi dear
      below is right :
      gnd ——–gnd
      vcc ——– vcc

      February 19, 2023 at 1:09 pm

  • GPS Car Tracker Using Arduino And SIM808 - ElectroPeak (17)

    Andy Fischer Reply

    I got it to run – finally. But not on my Uno as planned but on a Mega. There it works fine. I found out, how to read out any information supplied by the gps. Now i am taking my first steps in using the gsm-part. After that i want to check about the BT-Option. It´s not mentioned anywhere, but there is an antenna for BT… Getting info about commands would be cool.

    February 1, 2023 at 10:13 pm

  • GPS Car Tracker Using Arduino And SIM808 - ElectroPeak (19)

    elwood miller Reply

    I was looking at code and wondered were to put phone # or how do i call the simcard

    December 10, 2023 at 11:23 pm

    • GPS Car Tracker Using Arduino And SIM808 - ElectroPeak (20)

      Mohammad Damirchi Reply

      Hi Elwood,
      After compiling and uploading the code, you will need to send an SMS to the module with the default password “Hello” as the message text. Arduino will use this SMS to set the Admin number.

      December 12, 2023 at 4:18 am

  • GPS Car Tracker Using Arduino And SIM808 - ElectroPeak (21)

    Ibraheem Reply

    I am using ATMEGA 2560 and SIM 808 Robotshop, mySerial does not print anything. However, I am not sure what the correct “myserial” ports are. The code works until it has to read a serial output from our board.

    December 25, 2023 at 5:50 am

    • GPS Car Tracker Using Arduino And SIM808 - ElectroPeak (22)

      Mohammad Damirchi Reply

      Hi Ibraheem,

      The issue might be because your board is a shield for Arduino Uno. There is a selector on it to connect between D0, D1, and D7, D8. In this case, you should set it to D7, D8 and configure these two lines:

      #define PIN_TX 8
      #define PIN_RX 11


      #define PIN_TX 7
      #define PIN_RX 8

      If it still doesn’t work, try swapping the numbers 8 and 7.
      The ‘mySerial’ is a name for the ‘SoftwareSerial’ library that can be used on all types of Arduino (Arduino Mega 2560 has 3 external Serial ports too, but you are using a shield and it’s not connected to these pins).”

      December 27, 2023 at 8:32 am

  • GPS Car Tracker Using Arduino And SIM808 - ElectroPeak (23)

    cznea pardo Reply

    what sim card do you use?

    April 1, 2024 at 10:04 am

    • GPS Car Tracker Using Arduino And SIM808 - ElectroPeak (24)

      Mohammad Damirchi Reply

      this model, like all SimCom models, is compatible with T-Mobile in any era.

      April 2, 2024 at 7:54 am

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GPS Car Tracker Using Arduino And SIM808 - ElectroPeak (2024)


Can you make a GPS tracker with Arduino? ›

NeoGPS for GPS tracking and decoding. Can be installed directly from the library manager in Arduino IDE.

How accurate is Arduino GPS tracker? ›

Arduino GPS units has a specified horizontal accuracy of 2.5m. However, this will depend on getting a good strong direct signal from at least 3 well spaced satellites. Adding a correction signal should give better than this, probably better than 1m depending on the correction source.

What is the precision of SIM808 GPS? ›

Accuracy: approx 2.5 meters.

Do all trackers need a SIM card? ›

In most cases, your GPS tracker needs a cellular network (GSM/LTE), radio, or satellite modem to send location data to your phone or tablet. For this, your GPS tracker needs: Cell service. A SIM card.

What is the most precise GPS sensor? ›

The Garmin GPSMAP 66st is at the top of its class in terms of accuracy and reliability, earning it our top honors. It boasts a powerful quad-helix antenna and reliably connects to more satellite networks with greater accuracy than most other models.

What is the difference between GPS and RFID tracking? ›

In conclusion, both RFID and GPS offer unique features and cater to specific use cases. RFID is well-suited for close proximity tracking, inventory management, and access control, while GPS excels in providing global positioning information, real-time tracking, and route optimization.

What is the SIM808 module? ›

SIM808 module is a GSM and GPS two-in-one function module. It is based on the latest GSM/GPS module SIM808 from SIMCOM, supports GSM/GPRS Quad-Band network and combines GPS technology for satellite navigation.

How to use sim800 with Arduino? ›

Upload an SIM800L AT command test program to the Arduino to communicate with the SIM800L module. Use commands like "AT" for handshake, "AT+CSQ" for signal quality, "AT+CCID" to read SIM information, and "AT+CREG?" to check network registration. Ensure the module responds with "OK" to confirm its responsiveness.

What is SIM800L? ›

SIM800L is a miniature cellular module which allows for GPRS transmission, sending and receiving SMS and making and receiving voice calls. Low cost and small footprint and quad band frequency support make this module perfect solution for any project that require long range connectivity.

What is the cost of SIM808? ›

₹1,200.00 ₹1,600.00 Rs.

Does SIM808 support 4G? ›

Model: SIM808. Supports: 2G/3G/4G Sim. Input Voltage: 5 ~ 26VDC.

What is the frequency of SIM808? ›

SIM808 GSM : Supports Quad-band 850/900/1800/1900MHz, compatible with all 2G networks all around the world.

How to create a GPS tracker? ›

If you're making a project around these types of technologies, you'll have to understand the three main features they all need to work. For a GPS module you'll need an antenna, an integrated system to perform math and data communication, and a communication protocol output that feeds to the user or end system.

How does a tracking sensor work on Arduino? ›

The KY-033 module detects if the surface in front of the IR transmitter/receiver absorbs or reflects light. A dark surface absorbs light while a light surface reflects light. If the surface is dark, the module Signal pin will be pulled HIGH. And if the surface is light, the signal pin will be LOW.

Is GPS spoofing possible? ›

GPS spoofing is a malicious technique that manipulates the Global Positioning System (GPS) data, thereby misleading a GPS receiver about its actual location. This could potentially cause significant disruptions, as it can misdirect navigation systems, mislead delivery vehicles, or even trick smartphone apps.

Does ESP32 have GPS? ›

The GPS module has an antenna which determines location using satellites such as GPS, Glonass, Galileo, and Beidou. An ESP32 supplies power to the module and receives location information from it. At one minute intervals, the location is recorded to a location log file in the flash memory.


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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

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Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.