US P&C Insurance Market Report: Profitability to remain elusive in 2023 (2024)

After a period of sustained underwriting profitability without recent parallel from 2018 through 2021, the continuation of historically significant headwinds in a key business line will lead to a second consecutive year of red ink for the US property and casualty industry, according to newly released projections.

US P&C Insurance Market Report: Profitability to remain elusive in 2023 (1)
– Access the 2023 US P&C Insurance Market Report.
– Access data exhibits containing projections by line of business.

US P&C Insurance Market Report: Profitability to remain elusive in 2023 (2)

➤ The S&P Global Market Intelligence 2023 US P&C Insurance Market Report calls for a combined ratio of 100.8%. While that marks an improvement from the calendar-year 2022 result of 102.6%, it remains above the 100.0% threshold that serves as the metaphorical break-even point for underwriting profitability. We project a return to a sub-100% combined ratio in 2024. The outlook for both years is subject to various risks and uncertainties primarily associated with the frequency and severity of natural catastrophes.

➤ Dismal first-quarter 2023 direct incurred loss ratios in the homeowners and private auto business suggests a repeat of 2022, when highly favorable underwriting results in the commercial lines, aided in part by favorable prior-year workers' compensation reserve development, were more than offset by the personal lines losses. We project a narrower, but still significant, gap between personal and commercial lines results will remain in 2023 as we anticipate that benefits from multiple rounds of private auto rate increases will lead to improvement in loss ratios for that embattled business line.

➤ Corrective actions employed by carriers in the private auto as well as the residential and commercial property insurance businesses will translate into robust premium growth in 2023 even against a lackluster macroeconomic backdrop. We project double-digit growth in direct premiums written across the property and casualty (P&C) business in 2023 in what would mark the first time in 21 years for such a level of expansion. The industry's 2002 premium growth of 14.6%, not coincidentally, came as leading private auto insurers aggressively responded to poor underwriting results in 2000 and 2001.

US P&C Insurance Market Report: Profitability to remain elusive in 2023 (3)

US P&C Insurance Market Report: Profitability to remain elusive in 2023 (4)

Personal lines outlook

The gap between personal and commercial lines underwriting performance widened to its largest spread in at least 25 years during 2022. The personal lines combined ratio of 109.9% was 15.5 percentage points higher than that for the commercial lines.

The gap had entered the double digits only once during that 25-year span: In 2001, when the combination of the events of 9/11, a weakening US economy and fallout from a years-long soft market in workers' compensation caused a spike in the commercial lines combined ratio to a staggering 121.8%. The personal lines combined ratio approached 110.9% that same year as leading private auto insurers confronted the effects of an end to dot-com era cash-flow underwriting and increasingly stiff competition from direct-to-consumer insurgent companies.

While the commercial lines showed dramatic improvement in underwriting results during the subsequent years, it was not until 2006 that the combined ratio for that part of the industry fell below 100%. It took the personal lines only until 2003 to produce a sub-100% combined ratio, though that sector had a considerably shorter distance to travel to arrive at that destination.

Actions by leading private auto carriers such as State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co., Berkshire Hathaway Inc.'s Geico Corp., The Allstate Corp. and The Progressive Corp. to aggressively raise rates, reduce expenses and, in some cases, reduce their business appetite quickly paid off in the form of improved results.

Many of the same carriers have dusted off their playbooks from that earlier time as they respond to an environment characterized by rampant inflation in the cost to repair and replace damaged vehicles, a rise in crash severity that has led to costlier litigated claims and surging comprehensive claims from weather and theft. So challenging was the environment in 2022 that the private auto combined ratio, 112.2%, surpassed the previous 25-year high of 111.8% in 2000.

Our projections anticipate a more rapid progression from peak to trough from a combined ratio standpoint in the private auto business even as first-quarter 2023 data show that the industry continues to be beset by fierce headwinds.

Factors that underlie our relative enthusiasm for a more rapid recovery in the current environment include the following: a greater prevalence of six-month policy terms in the private auto business, which allow carriers to more rapidly respond to rising loss costs; much higher use of direct-to-consumer business models, which allow carriers to proactively scale up and down advertising costs to respond to changes in market conditions; and near-universal recognition among the largest market participants that recent underwriting losses are unsustainable.

Despite the elevated 2000 private auto combined ratio, it was not until 2002 that there was a demonstrable spike in direct premiums written in response to surging loss costs. In 2023, we project the most rapid growth in private auto direct premiums written in at least the last 25 years, and potentially back to the late 1970s or early 1980s, in response to the combination of the aggressiveness of pricing actions most carriers have been taking on a countrywide basis and the magnitude of the rate catch-up that has been occurring in recent months in California, the largest US private auto market.

We expect this will contribute to improved underwriting results in the second half of 2023 and into 2024 as reflected by projected declines in the private auto combined ratios to 105.9% and 101.2%, respectively.

Carriers have also engaged in a broad and deep response to challenges in the homeowners business, where inflation in costs of building materials and labor have driven increases in loss severity at the same time convective storms and Hurricane Ian triggered increased catastrophe losses. The 2022 homeowners combined ratio of 104.4% marked the third-straight year and the fifth year out of the past six of results in excess of 100%. Widely reported changes in risk appetite by the likes of State Farm, Progressive, Allstate and Farmers Insurance Group of Cos. amid stubbornly high losses and rapidly rising reinsurance costs should contribute to improving results over the next several years, assuming a more typical catastrophe load than the one the industry experienced in 2022.

All told, we project outsized growth in personal lines direct premiums written of 12.7% in 2023 and 8.5% in 2024, with combined ratios improving to 105.3% in 2023 and 101.4% in 2024.

Commercial lines outlook

Carriers in the commercial lines have not been immune to the effects of economic inflation or natural catastrophes, but the combination of the strength of the post-pandemic economic recovery and highly favorable calendar-year results in key casualty businesses have more than mitigated those challenges.

Workers' compensation has been a particular standout in that regard. Continuing to defy our expectations and those of the market as a whole, calendar-year results in the business showed marked improvement from levels that were already historically favorable.

The workers' compensation combined ratio of 83.9% represented a decline of nearly 3.3 percentage points from the 2021 result. It ranks as the second-lowest such result in the last 25 years, owing to relatively benign trends in the current accident year and a fifth straight calendar year of favorable prior-year reserve development in excess of $5 billion.

The favorable development was dispersed over a wide range of prior accident years, with 2020 jumping out as a standout year. The onset of COVID-19 initially generated a number of negative projections about a potential spike in pandemic-related claims. Instead, the 2020 accident year has played out positively as it accounted for $694.5 million of the $5.04 billion in favorable development for all prior accident years.

Workers' compensation was not the only key business in the commercial lines to materially outperform in 2022. The combination of the other and product liability lines posted its best calendar-year combined ratio since 2008 with six of the top nine US P&C groups producing combined ratios for that business of less than 95%, with market leader Chubb Ltd. posting a result of 94.3%.

At the same time, commercial property insurers faced the same sort of challenges that confronted residential property insurers. Commercial auto, where loss-cost woes predate the onset of supply chain-induced inflation, had a 105.4% combined ratio in 2022 after a fleeting sub-100% result in 2021.

Our projections anticipate improvements from those levels in commercial auto, benefits from significant rate increases in the commercial property business and reversion to longer-term means in casualty businesses, leading to an expectation for narrowing but still positive underwriting margins over the course of our five-year outlook.

US P&C Insurance Market Report: Profitability to remain elusive in 2023 (5)


Historical results for all business lines are generally derived from a proprietary aggregation of disclosures made by individual insurance companies on Parts II and III of the Insurance Expense Exhibit of annual statements for calendar years 2012 through 2022. State funds and residual market entities are excluded from the results and outlook.

The projections reflect various assumptions regarding premiums, losses and expenses. They are displayed on a total-filed basis and are not intended for application to individual states, regions or companies.

Important considerations for our combined ratio calculations for historical and projected results include the following: 1) the results include policyholder dividends unless otherwise noted and 2) we base expense ratios as the combination of other underwriting expenses and aggregate write-ins for underwriting deductions as a percentage of net premiums earned.

Please see the full "US P&C Insurance Market Report" for a more comprehensive discussion of the methodology employed.

This article was published by S&P Global Market Intelligence and not by S&P Global Ratings, which is a separately managed division of S&P Global.

As an expert in the field of property and casualty (P&C) insurance, with a deep understanding of the industry's dynamics, I can provide a comprehensive analysis of the concepts discussed in the article. My expertise is grounded in a thorough knowledge of underwriting practices, industry trends, and the historical performance of key business lines.

The article discusses the 2023 US P&C Insurance Market Report released by S&P Global Market Intelligence, projecting a second consecutive year of losses for the US property and casualty industry. The evidence for this projection lies in the sustained underwriting profitability observed from 2018 through 2021, followed by the emergence of historically significant headwinds in a key business line. The continuation of these challenges is expected to result in a combined ratio of 100.8%, indicating a deficit in underwriting profitability.

Key concepts discussed in the article include:

  1. Combined Ratio:

    • The combined ratio is a critical metric in the insurance industry, representing the sum of an insurer's loss ratio and expense ratio. A combined ratio above 100% indicates an underwriting loss.
    • The projected combined ratio for 2023 is 100.8%, signifying a challenging environment for underwriting profitability.
  2. Underwriting Performance in Personal and Commercial Lines:

    • The article highlights a significant gap between personal and commercial lines underwriting performance, with the personal lines combined ratio being 15.5 percentage points higher than that for commercial lines in 2022.
    • Factors influencing this gap include adverse loss ratios in homeowners and private auto business, driven by various challenges, including inflation in repair costs, rising severity of claims, and increased catastrophe losses.
  3. Private Auto Business:

    • The private auto business is facing headwinds, with a combined ratio of 112.2% in 2022, surpassing the previous 25-year high in 2000.
    • Projections anticipate a more rapid recovery in the private auto business, driven by factors such as shorter policy terms, direct-to-consumer business models, and a recognition among market participants that current underwriting losses are unsustainable.
  4. Premium Growth and Rate Actions:

    • Corrective actions in the private auto, residential, and commercial property insurance businesses are expected to lead to robust premium growth in 2023, despite a lackluster macroeconomic backdrop.
    • The industry is projected to experience double-digit growth in direct premiums written across P&C business in 2023.
  5. Commercial Lines Outlook:

    • Commercial lines, including workers' compensation, have shown resilience, with the workers' compensation combined ratio declining to 83.9% in 2022.
    • Favorable calendar-year results in key casualty businesses contribute to positive underwriting margins, despite challenges in commercial property and auto lines.
  6. Methodology:

    • The article outlines the methodology used for historical and projected results, derived from a proprietary aggregation of disclosures made by insurance companies.
    • Projections are displayed on a total-filed basis, and important considerations for combined ratio calculations are discussed.

In summary, the US P&C insurance industry faces challenges in key business lines, impacting underwriting profitability. The article provides a comprehensive analysis of these challenges, supported by historical data and projections based on a rigorous methodology. As an expert in the field, I can offer further insights and context to anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the dynamics shaping the industry.

US P&C Insurance Market Report: Profitability to remain elusive in 2023 (2024)


What are the results of P&C insurance in 2023? ›

The overall distribution of ratings for P&C insurance units at the end of 2023 was similar to the distribution at year-end 2022. The proportion of rating units with “Good” to “Exceptional” ratings declined slightly to 95.9% from 97%.

What is the outlook for commercial property and casualty market in 2023? ›

Property Premiums Begin to Moderate

We expect these factors to lead to the continued trend of moderating property premiums. Severe convective storms (SCS) represented about 60% of insured natural catastrophes in 2023. Property carriers will intently focus on limits and deductibles for insureds exposed to SCS.

What is the outlook for P&C insurance in 2024? ›

Alera Group's recent P&C Market Outlook shows that prices will continue to go up in 2024, with most lines of business likely to experience a 1%-10% increase.

What is the insurance market trend for 2023? ›

The market continued to moderate as, over the course of 2023, capital slowly returned, inflation eased, and interest rates positively impacted insurer performance. Q4 was characterized by ample capacity across most of the market.

What is the largest P&C insurance company in the US? ›

1. State Farm. State Farm is the industry's biggest player, both in the US and overseas. The Bloomington, Illinois-based P&C insurance giant wrote almost $78 billion worth of premiums in the past year.

How large is the US P&C insurance market? ›

Property & Casualty Insurance Market size was valued at USD 1.8 trillion in 2023 and is estimated to register a CAGR of over 5.5% between 2024 and 2032. The increasing GDP contributes to the expansion of the market by driving economic growth, which results in greater assets, property, and commercial activities.

What is the outlook for the P&C industry? ›

Profitability in the US P&C segment

The report also noted that profitability in the industry is expected to witness a decline in the 2023 ROE due to an active H1 for catastrophes. The industry ROE for 2023 is estimated at 6.5%, down from the previous estimate of 8%, while it is maintained at 9.5% for 2024.

What is the outlook for the insurance industry? ›

The insurance industry has a promising future, but it must remain agile and innovative in their approach. By embracing new technologies and meeting the changing needs of policyholders, insurance companies can remain competitive and relevant in a rapidly evolving landscape.

Will insurance rates go down in 2023? ›

Key Findings. The average U.S. car insurance premium increased 19.2% from 2022 to 2023. Auto insurers have also faced increasing costs in recent years when it comes to expenses like vehicle repairs, car replacements, and health care. This has contributed to the increasing premiums policyholders face.

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What is the oldest P&C insurance company? ›

1752 The Philadelphia Contributionship for the Insurance of Houses from Loss by Fire, the oldest insurance carrier in continuous operation in the United States, was established.

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The job outlook for insurance agents is very good, with 6% growth expected between 2021 and 2031. The median pay for an insurance sales agent is around $24 an hour or $50,000 a year, but many people make more than this. There is plenty of money-making potential, especially for more experienced P&C agents.

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Best Sectors to Invest In 2023
  • Housing Finance. With the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) raising repo rates consecutively, the housing loan interest rates have seen an uptick. ...
  • Banking. ...
  • Energy. ...
  • Automobile. ...
  • Conclusion.

Are premiums going up in 2023? ›

Average annual health insurance premiums in 2023 are $8,435 for single coverage and $23,968 for family coverage. These average premiums each increased 7% in 2023.

Why are insurance premiums going up 2023? ›

Climate change is playing a role as well, with more vehicles damaged by extreme weather, leading to more claims and, in turn, higher premiums. Meanwhile, insurance companies face increasing medical, legal and other operational costs, said Greg McBride, chief financial analyst at

How much did insurance premiums increase in 2023? ›

Average annual health insurance premiums in 2023 are $8,435 for single coverage and $23,968 for family coverage. These average premiums each increased 7% in 2023.

How much did insurance companies lose in 2023? ›

AM Best published its annual estimate of the U.S. property/casualty insurance industry's financial results yesterday, reporting that $38 billion of underwriting losses for 2023 was a 10-year high for the sector.

What is the combined ratio for P&C 2023? ›

The 2023 net combined ratio for the property/casualty industry is forecast to be 103.9, with commercial lines at 97.7 and personal lines at 109.9, according to the latest underwriting projections by actuaries at the Insurance Information Institute (Triple-I) and Milliman.

What is the insurance loss ratio for 2023? ›

“Looking at commercial auto, underwriting losses continue, with a projected 2023 net combined ratio of 110.2, the highest since 2017,” said Kurtz. “For 2023 Q3, the incurred loss ratio was the highest in over 15 years, while the 2023 net written premium growth rate of 6% is noticeably lower than the prior two years.”


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