Have you ever seen a statement or payment from Raiser LLC and thought – who is that? We did too, so we had senior RSG contributor Paula Gibbins look into what is Raiser LLC and how it relates to drivers.
What is Raiser LLC?: How Raiser is Related to Uber
This is a somewhat difficult question to answer. Raiser LLC—also goes by the similar name Rasier LLC—does not have its own website and there’s very limited independent official information out there. The basic gist is that Raiser LLC is owned by Uber and functions in part to process payments.
According to the Leonard Law Firm, “Raiser LLC handles all of the payment transactions to Uber drivers.” This was done for a special reason:
“Due to several class action lawsuits and other legal issues, Uber created a separate company to deal with the drivers, who actually are not employees, but are considered independent contractors.”
Related:Some Employee Lawsuits are Finally Paying Out: What it Means for Uber Drivers
How This Affects Uber Drivers
When you sign up to be a driver for Uber, you’ll be signing a lot of documents that have Raiser LLC attached to them in some fashion. If you’re already a driver, you can look up everything you’ve already signed with the Raiser name attached to your profile.
As you can see in my profile above, there were four documents I had to sign and/or accept related to Raiser. One is the services agreement and another was a financial terms addendum in May 2017. When Uber started offering tipping within the app in June 2017, there was a tipping addendum sent out by Raiser. They also have instant pay terms that you sign for ‘cashing out’ your earnings.
As a driver, you are technically paid by Raiser LLC, not Uber. This includes all areas of pay ranging from cashing out, direct deposit, tips, and anything else you can think of. In that same vein, if you are suing Uber for wrongful wages or other similar claims, you’re actually suing Raiser.
The company address is:
Raiser LLC
1455 Market St.,
San Francisco, CA 94103
Their website listing is simply Uber.com.
I came across the following number: 415-842-3661 for their customer service line. However, when I called it at noon on a Tuesday, it automatically went to voicemail and had a generic message that did not indicate the name of the company, but instead just asked you to leave a message.
It’s very possible Raiser does not have an active phone number.
Related:How to Contact Uber
Additional Uber Subsidiaries
Apparently, Uber has operated under code names and subsidiariesfor a while. One code name/subsidiary “Unicorn” doesn’t exist on paper, but Uber used it to acquire Otto, a self-driving truck service.
However, a handful of subsidiaries you have heard of: Uber Eats being the main one. Many of its subsidiaries are in the form of companies Uber has acquired over the years and continues to acquire in order to grow their business.
An article I came across from the Pittsburgh Business Timesdefined several of its subsidiaries that are similar or related to Raiser:
“Raiser LLC: Raiser LLC is the wholly owned Uber subsidiary that has been operating in Allegheny County since the ride-share startup began its Pittsburgh service in February. Raiser LLC, which licenses Uber’s technology, has independent contractors that provide rides to Uber app users in the county. Drivers provide rides with their personal vehicles. Raiser itself has no employees, but is only a legal entity controlled by Kalanick. The day-to-day functions related to Raiser’s operations are carried out by employees of Uber Technologies Inc., Gore said.
Raiser-PA LLC: Raiser-PA LLC — the subject of Monday’s hearing — is the Uber subsidiary that filed an application with the Public Utility Commission April 14 to obtain a permanent, experimental license to operate in Allegheny County and certain other points throughout Pennsylvania.
Gegen LLC: Gegen LLC operates the company’s Uber Black service in Philadelphia, which connects riders with limousine service. Gegen holds a statewide brokerage license from the PUC to operate vehicles authorized by the Philadelphia Parking Authority. Unlike the UberX service the company is proposing to operate with Raiser-PA, all of the independent contractors Gegen works with are already PUC licensed through their traditional service as limousines.”
Raiser LLC Frequently Asked Questions
Is Raiser LLC Part of Uber’s HQ?
Raiser is a subsidiary of Uber, making Uber the ‘holding company’ of Raiser LLC.
What are Raiser LLC EDI Payments?
These are likely part of a class action suit settlement; however, some drivers (or even people who never signed up to drivefor Uber) have reported never being part of a suit and still receiving random small deposits into their accounts.
Keep in mind, these kinds of lawsuits take a LONG time to process. You may have signed up for one years ago and never heard anything again until you get your payout.
Raiser LLC EDI payments could also consist of promotions that you received as a driver but didn’t make it onto your regular payout for whatever reason, such as this driver experienced:
It was listed as a promo, but under the description, it shows it’s part of a settlement and came into her bank account as a Raiser LLC EDI payment.
It’s likely not a scam, but if you’re not an Uber driver and receive a paymentlike this, report it to your bank. It could be that someone is using your information to sign up for Uber or that someone input their bank account information incorrectly.
Why is Raiser LLC Showing Up on My Taxes?
Much for the same reasons that you’ll see payments from Raiser LLC, you’ll also see them on your taxesbecause they are related to you getting paid for your driving services for Uber.
Is Lyft Associated with Raiser?
No. Lyft is not associated with Raiser LLC as the latter is a subsidiary of Uber. It does not do business with Lyft in any way.
Are All Uber Drivers Contractors for Raiser LLC?
Not necessarily. Those outside of the U.S. or in other markets might have a different subsidiary they are contracted through. You’ll be able to find this information under the documents you signed when you first signed up for the service within your profile account.
Who Do Uber Drivers Work for: Uber or Raiser LLC?
Technically you don’t work for Uber. The contract you signed is with Raiser LLC. This protects Uber from direct litigation.
What is Raiser LLC’s Phone Number?
It might be 415-842-3661, but when I called, there was no answer or even message confirming it belongs to Raiser LLC. A search came up with the following:
What is the Raiser LLC Address?
1455 Market St., San Francisco, CA 94103
Drivers, what questions do you have about Rasier/Raiser LLC?
-Paula @ RSG